I decided to make a second "misfit" character. And here she is:

She's a bit scarier than my cat/mouse character which I kinda like...hehe

Today's Prompt:
Working on the next two page blank spread of your journal:
-First collage various papers such as dictionary pages onto your journal then dry brush with Gesso.
-Then using a permanent pen write for at least 5 minutes using the prompt ” Today I feel…” Sound familiar? ;) (The first time we did this prompt we covered the words with Gesso and not the other way around but today I want our words to symbolically show through. )
-This next part is gonna be messy. If you are worried about your manicure you may want to put on a pair of rubber gloves and it's a good idea to have some paper towels and wet wipes handy too. We are going to finger paint a self-portrait! No paintbrush or tools allowed. This may be a little frustrating but allow yourself to relax and just think about the shapes and colors. Feel the cold paint between your fingers and think about how our ancestors painted their caves, their body, and many other things using only their hands.
- Make sure you fill both pages with color. Add any personal symbols too. Remember only your hands are to paint these pages. ;)

Here's my finished painting. At first I was frustrated but then started to enjoy myself and was pretty impressed I was able to even make a face that resembled me using only my fingers. I think she looks pretty happy too. ;)

I hope you have enjoyed Soul Journaling…this is not an end but a new beginning. First, I want to thank you all again for this amazing journey. It would not have been successful without your courage and friendship. I am humbled and honored.
Secondly, I want you to know that this is not the end but a beginning for us all. Look how far we have come! I encourage you to continue working in your journals a little every day. Even if it’s just to write one or two words. I may in the future do a second installment of Soul Journaling and I do plan to sporadically post prompts on my blog when I can... so look for those.
I also wanted to mention that the awesome folks at Joggles found out about my Soul Journaling project and were so impressed that they have asked me to teach online classes for them! I pretty much have free reign to teach anything I want so of course I am jumping at this opportunity as it has always been a dream of mine to teach art.
Please keep in touch.
Love & Laughter,
Love & Laughter,