Journaling- I’
ve been dreaming about a project I’d like to do with you all for quite some time. It is part
journaling, part mixed media or visual journal. I have been mesmerized by all the visual
journaling that I have come across lately. I have lots of trouble starting projects like this…the ever feared blank page and not knowing what to write. In good old fashioned creative writing they use prompts to help you get started. So why not start there? I’d like to give you daily prompts to journal along with me. There will be both writing and mixed media prompts. You can choose to follow me exactly or break free on your own and just use my idea as a starting point, it’s up to you. So without further a due… I’m challenging you to start a
Journaling journey with me! I want these books to be a mess of words, color, collage, etc. I want you to be able to be totally free with these and use them to express anything you wish. No One will read these and many times we will be covering up what we write with artwork and paint. I want us to have fun and also do a little soul searching in the process. I’m not one to ever begin long unending projects so let’s just say we will use these prompts to journal for a few weeks and then regroup and see how we feel from there. OK? So the end date is in site, let’s say: Aug. 10 I know you can hang in there for at LEAST that long. ;) The first step is to pick out a book. This can be anything. A sketchpad, traditional diary, watercolor tablet, notebook, Literary book, anything. Try and make it at least 5X7. The next step is to gather your supplies. Now I know most of you are artists so this stuff should be easy: white
gesso, any kind of glue you like, magazines, pens and pencils, at least one black sharpie, a set of markers, crayons, various rubber stamps, CHEAP acrylic paint, waxed paper to put between pages and any kind of
Ephemera or paper such as dictionary or phonebook pages. You still with me? ;) OK, your first assignment is to glue random Dictionary or book pages to the first 3 pages in your journal. They can be ripped or hanging off the edges or neatly trimmed. It’s up to you. Here's the journal I'm going to use. It's a Watercolor book with relatively thick pages that can take some abuse.

My text glued pages:

Then I want you to start writing on the first page over your dictionary pages. Start with the prompt: “Today I feel…” Write for at least 5 minutes and circle or rewrite any words that catch your eye in your text that describe how you are feeling. If you run out of things to say, just say what’s in your head…”today I feel stupid for listening to Sarah about this whole
journaling thing…” Rewrite the prompt “today I feel…”every time you get stuck or start a new thought . Write for as long or on as many pages as you want. An example of my writing:
Finished for today!

Oliver seemed to enjoy the
Journaling today but Anna looks unimpressed.
Hope you join us!

I’ll talk to you again tomorrow! :)
*Note: to access Day 2, click on "Newer post" at the very bottom of this page. Thank you, Sarah
I'm in!
I've picked out a spiral bound book of card stock pages to test.
I got it cheap and I've been wondering if it would hold up to mixed media.
I've glued the inside cover and the next page front and back with elementary school dictionary pages.
I'll write in a few minutes.
Do we need to date the pages, and I am sure we will be doing more to these first few pages correct?
Sure you can date them! It’s totally up to you…but keep in mind a lot of our writing will get covered up at some point. ;)
And yes, you’ve just begun to start those first 3 pages. We will revisit them again tomorrow and then sporadically.
In the end we will have lots of yummy layers. After all, there are many layers to us! :)
I'm in......... I have no trouble starting journals, but after a couple of entries I lose interest. So, here goes nothing. Now to find a journal..... hmmmmmm...
Thanks for the opportunity to jump on your ride!!! LOL
Sarah...what a cool idea! I bought a blank book at borders last summer and takes a smart young girl like you to get me off my .... Anyway, I love having a challenge. I will try to keep up with you and post pics on my blog too. This is going to be a fun journal!
This is great Sarah!!!! im going to join in thank you for doing this, i like you have the same trouble doing these before my vacation i will do this and bring it with, along with some oil pastels and pencils...thanks!
I'm so in...I don't have any gesso though :( So today I must trip to Tupelo (an hour away)
off to get dressed.
I have done the first task and enjoyed it ... looking forward to the next step
I am quite intrigued with this "challenge" so to speak. I am so in...I think I will buy a new sketchpad or something on the way home to start. Have you heard of SoulCollage? To me the people seem sort of wack-o (sorry people) but the beginning concept is awesome! You make cards that are collaged on - kind of a soul journey. I think they talk to aliens or something so after making the cards it all goes downhill - ha! I am going to make some cards anyway, just for myself and I will not ask the aliens for any advice.
I would love to be part of this. It is the perfect project for me right now, as I am spending so much time drawing and painting, (images of France) that this will use a whole other part of my creativity! It's funny, but even before I read this I was going to start some backgrounds, and have assorted torn papers all over my kitchen counter. I also love finding your blog! Roxanne
Ok "Rivergardenstudio" AKA Roxanne,
I just peeked at your website and your visual journals are AMAZING!!! Quick everyone go check them out!
I hope your not too disappointed with my offbeat approach to journaling. :)
I just finished uploading images of Day 1 to my blog. I really enjoyed working on this and it was not "too much" to do.
I am very pleased with the way the pages look...
Can't wait to start on step 2 tomorow!
THIS is exciting!!! count me in and I am going to be catching up...
No, I had never heard of SoulCollage before. I just looked it up and it sounds interesting. "Aliens" LOL you are too funny! :)
I'm a few days late, but I'm in !!! I just visited Kerons blog and your prompts are just what I need to get journalling.
I would love to make a journal but didn't know how to start, so this is perfect for me, I love the idea.
At the moment I am on holiday, I brought a few things with me and just bought gesso, because I couldn't find it in my hometown.
I started today with a newspaper, bucause I didn't have a dictionaire and I had a lot of fun.
I will work on it when I can and will do the rest when I am home.
Greetings from Jolande
Hi Sarah,
How great to find your blog - everything happens according to its plan - I have been fascinated (no, a bit obsessed) by the idea of visual journaling recently, so I'm happy to find someone to go down this path with!
I was wondering where you got your journal you're working in? I really like the way it looks with the torn pages and the watercolor paper.
Hi Jane,
I'm not sure if you are a local here but I got my journal at an art supply/office store called Central Florida Office Plus. It's in downtown Gainesville. I'm not sure of the brand of journal itself because I have long since thrown out the packaging but I do know that it was handmade in India. Maybe you can do a Google search for similar journals? So far it's been a dream to work in. All of my pages are still very much intact (even with my abuse)and the watercolor paper is holding up very well.
If you are unable to find one similar, next time I am at the store I can pick one up for you. :)
Hi Sarah,
Thank you for the info on where you acquired your journal; I wouldn't have thought to try an office supply store. I'll look to see if I can find something similar, if not, I'll take you up on your very kind offer. I'm actually a couple of hours drive from you - I live in Ocoee, which is west Orlando. Maybe we can meet some time! I just started up a Yahoo group called Altered ARTists of Central Florida because I'm trying to find other people who love this crazy wonderful world of art as much as we do :-) I've put a link to your blog on my blog (will upload picture of my soul journaling later today. I'm catching up - on day three right now) and am going to tell everyone I know to come to your blog and start the soul journal process. You're doing a wonderful thing!! Thank you.
I saw what looked like the same journal at Hobby Lobby but it was $30 - I'll peek at the office supply store next time and see what I find. You never know!
Yeah, mine was around 30 something *blush* I couldn't help it. It was meant to be! ;) hehe
Hi, Sarah (my daughter's name is Sarah)! :)
I've been interested in art journaling for a while, now and I found your blog through a friend in the BookArtz group on Ning.
Your blog has inspired me, today and I will play along, as I can, though my life is filled with it's own prompts and challenges, right now. If you visit my blog at , there is a post on the front page that will lead to my Healing Art Journal, if you'd like to take a peek at what I've already been up to.
Again, thanks for the inspiration and I'll be checking in, frequently, now.
Bright blessings!
Just discovered your soul journaling adventure through another blog, and I'd love to join in! Will get cracking on the first assignment this afternoon. In the meantime, I noticed Cheeka mentioned seeing a journal similar to your's at Hobby Lobby for $30 ... for those who shop at HL, check out their website for a coupon each week. Sometimes it's 40% one item (like this week), sometimes it's 50% off one particular item (like doilies, or glue sticks, or whatever). I check it every week! HTH!
I was pointed here by Samm at the Soul Food blog community on Wordpress, where I have my blog. I am taking up the challenge too, because it looks like so much fun. My journal is a spiral bound student art notebook which should stand up to the challenge. Thanks for the opportunity, Sarah, it looks like just what I need right now.
Hi Sarah, found you via Carol Taylors blog and wondered if it was to late to join in? Better late than never i guess!!! I got very excited about it having NEVER journalled before and felt that i could do this.
Hi Sarah,
I just found your blog a few days ago from Simply Artistic Pleasures blog and thought I'd join in. I'm using a Moleskine Sketchbook for my journal, and I've already glued in my dictionary pages. I'll write on them next. I'm not going to worry about catching up - I'm just going to do what I can. Thanks for doing this!
Hi Sarah
I just came across your blog via WAJ2 site and would love to go on this Artful visual journal journey with you guys. I'll plod along at my own pace, but will follow your tutorials - if that's alright with you? :-)
Thanks for all the inspiration and advice!
How very VERY COOL!!!! What a wonderful idea! I've belonged to a writing group for a while, and just recently got totally HOOKED on collage/altered books/etc. (though I have no idea what I'm doing - and haven't done much except spend money on supplies that I don't use because it makes me feel like I'm creating just by buying! (YIKES!)
I'm not able to start now, but will be laid up for several weeks soon enough and this will be a perfect project to watch the days roll past as I begin healing from surgery. I think I'll print out all these prompts and get things ready to go. I'll be tagging along behind everyone, probably just getting started as everyone is wrapping up. Sounds so very interesting! Thanks for providing this opportunity!!
just discovered you through another blog... going to gather some materials to get started as this is just what i've been wanting to explore. i think it best if i don't read to far ahead... that's part of the journey right?! but it will be hard as it looks like so much fun so far! thank you for being our guide!
I just found you, too! I have a blank watercolor pad that's been waiting patiently for me to get off my butt. I guess this is a kick I need; am looking forward to it!
I just started today but I see I'm not the only one! My Soul Journaling Day 1 post is also the first post on my new blog. Thanks in advance for looking!
HOORAY! I've finally started on my Soul Journal. It ain't much to look at (yet) - but I'm loving the process.
I decided to do several "entries" using the Day 1 instructions, because I knew I would be going through a lot of emotional things all at once. I'm really glad I'm doing this.
I'm looking forward to Day 2, and all the days thereafter!
Today I feel ... like I can start this now! I have my notebook, my book to tear apart, and my pen. Here goes ...
I have been watching Lay Hoon do this Soul Journaling for a while now, I have wanted to jump in and now I finally have set aside the time to do so. I just started my first 3 pages and wrote on them this evening! This is going to be so fun! Hopefully I will get to the point where I am more caught up with the rest...if not thats ok too!
Thank you so much for your inspiration and creativity!
I found it liberating to just rip pages out of an old Thesaurus!
I can't wait to see how my book evolves!
Thanks again!
I don't remember how I got here (to your site, I mean) originally but I've been following along too. It's not my usual kind of art at all so though I'm finding it difficult I trust it is liberating, too.
And Cheeka (not that you're listening from six months ago, ha!) SoulCollage people don't talk to Aliens; we talk to the voices in our heads.
BIG difference.
Anyway, here's the link to some of my soul journal pages on my blog:
Sorry, that link ain't gonna work, is it? Try again:
Sarah thank you so much for doing this. I just finished the mandela and am now starting at the beginning.
I want to thank you for taking the time and putting this out here to people like me who haven't got a clue.
Love Renee xoxoxo
I do my daily sould journaling via Haiku, short Japanese poetry.
Also painting mandala is a pleasure!
Gabi from Japan
Hi Sarah,
I just came upon your blog the other day and am so glad that I did. Thank you so much for posting these Soul Journaling prompts. They have been such an inspiration to me in starting my art journaling journey.
Much peace and blessings to you,
Karen (Art & Tea)
I've taken the plunge! And I am really excited to start this journey... thanks for organizing this =)
My first few steps are posted here:
Just got started on my soul journal tonight. I heard of this through a friend who is also working on hers. I am late getting started; but 'no time like the present'. I have a feeling that this journal is what I have been needing for a long time. thanks, Sarah. will let you know how it goes.
Life got in the way and I've been stuck at a very longgg red light...I saw this journaling opportunity on my FiberArtsMixedMedia art journaling group and I've decided I'm starting TODAY...(the light just turned yellow, next is green!!)
Hi Sarah, found your blog and started the 22 day prompts. Here's what I have so far.
Darla, shared this blog with me! Thank you! So I'm using a book. I just moved to California, so I did not have an encyclopedia handy so I used newspaper. It worked.......I started Day 1.
Laura in Portland OR here-just came across your blog yesterday. I've been working in an composition book & have many pages available. Going to give it a try!
Count me in!! I have so many blank books what a wonderful way to get started! Thank you for the inspiration!. Now if only I had inspiration to write/create my blog.
I hope I am not too late to join in the all ready with my journal too...
Hi Sarah, I started Soul Journaling today. :) A lot of fun, thank you for sharing this with us.
I picked out a journal I made my self last weekend, to journal.
I will try to do something each day. Pictures are at my blog ;)
Love, Renee
i want to do this project...but i don't have gesso, and can't afford to buy any right now. (my art supply fund has been depleted!) i noticed that day two already needs there something cheaper, that i can find in a regular store (not a specialty one) that i can use instead?
Hi :)
I was directed to your website word of mouth by a woman who I really admire her art journal. She mentioned your prompts on soul collaging as how she started!
This is really a godsend because it is so nonthreatening a start! I too can't go out and buy gesso, paint, and brushes this month, but I'm having fun glueing my articles (from a professional journal that was given to me) and writing over them in indelible marker. I'm thinking I will do that until I can afford the other supplies.
Thank you so much!
Thank you Theresa!
I am so glad to hear you are joining us. Please let me know if you need any help or have any questions. :)
Hi LS,
You can use a little bit of white paint sanded lightly when it's dry if you can't find gesso. It's not quite the same, but will work in a pinch. :)
Hi Sarah, I've just found you! I'm in OZ (Australia) and I would love to do this project. I am currently writing down your instructions for day 1. Thanks for sharing this idea.
Hugs, Sue :)
Oh my gosh! I just found this last night through a friend's facebook link, and I cannot tell you how thrilled I am! I was given a membership to another art journal workshop for mother's day, but have been stuck in that "where do I start" phase and haven't been able to even pick a journal to work in... UNTIL NOW. I literally read every day of prompts in one sitting last night, woke up this morning and found a book to work in, tore out some practice sheet music, and opened my paint brushes and gel medium for the very first time! I was so excited that I even blogged about it already! lol Thank you so, so much!
Theresa ♥
I just found you today and am looking forward to day 2 already. I'm waiting for my mod podge to dry from gluing in my book pages so I can journal the "today I feel". What a great idea. Thanks.
I just found you today and am looking forward to day 2 already. I'm waiting for my mod podge to dry from gluing in my book pages so I can journal the "today I feel". What a great idea. Thanks.
Day one done! I decided to take a sketch journal that I already begun and pick up where I left off. I don't like leaving blank pages in my sketchbooks.
I've decided to do this!!
You know, I am comparing myself to the snail's slowness, the molasses in January, and the March hare. I have not found this site until now, and want to be sure that you have no intention of erasing any of it until ol' slo' me can get on board. It sounds JUST what I need at this very moment. Mine will be somewhat of an altered book, as I have chosen your suggested size, but it is a hardback fiction with 8 or 10 very secure signatures.
Please relay on what kind of white paint you mentioned as an alternative to gesso. Is it to be put on as thick as gesso? Or thinner? I appreciate your help and want you know that this is the best site I've come across in a very very long while.
I'm ready. Let's go.......Mae
No idea how I got to you journal project, but I'm starting! On to day two...
I am quite a latecomer to this, but I am delighted to have found Sarah and the 22 prompts. I have a journal that is stagnating, and I am going to rev it up by following the prompts. I am inspired! Thanks!
Gracie and Donna Rae, I am glad to see I am not the only one just starting on these prompts! I am so glad I found this website - thanks for the inspiration Sarah!
Hi Sarah! I just altered another art journal with the intention to be very, very personal and honest in it (I have several journals, but since I share those on the Internet I always 'cencure'). I was pointed out here by my friend Michelle's blog, and some of the prompts here are really helpful to use in my new book! I won't be doing all the prompts/assignments, but I want you to know that I will use some (a lot? Haven't looked at them all) as inspiration! When I do, I will comment at the prompt/page here.
Hi Sarah. Thanks for this. I need Soul Journaling in my life. Today I started my first Soul Journal -- a handmade, stitch bound, hardcover 6x9 using vellum bristol paper...good and sturdy. I am excited, completed Day 1 and am ready for what tomorrow brings. Thanks for the inspiration!
Here I go. Beginning.
Found this site and decided to go for it. I've been trying to art journal for a year and have yet to find "me". I like your ideas. Using a 5x8 watercolor visual journal. Ready for day 2.
Finished pages 1, 2&3 ( picked Merlin and Gandhi) 3&4. Fun Fun.
On page ten now. I like being able to write very personal stuff about my life and then painting over it. I already feel more free.
Finnished the potpouri pages. I will collaged on the tape pages tomorrow then on to the photocopies pages.
Starting the self portrait page. It's been a ride:) Thank you for the new techniques.
Hello, Sarah! I found your blog on the Internet. I am very interested in your project Soul Journaling. Your project has inspired me. Can I take your recommendations and make my journal? This will be my first art journal. I think it will be what I needed. Thank you in advance. Have a nice day. Irina from Russia (Moscow) :))) This post has been formed with the help of Google translator. Sorry for the mistakes.
Hi Sarah!
I found you through the 'Art Camp for Women' ladies, who today guest-blogged on Julie Fei-Fan Balzer's site. They said 'you' are the place to go for new Art Journalers! I checked it out, and they are right. Today, I had with me a new journal that I made two years ago in a class, and had yet to make a mark in my 'perfect' book! It was so naked! Now, the spell is broken and I can finally relax and begin!
I have also referred two Art Journaling friends to your 'Soul Journaling'--Bless you for sharing all these prompts! Taking a live class is great, but too brief; and sometimes people can't swing the cost of a class (me! LOL).
what a blessing you are! I look forward to the Adventure!
Its quite amazing to see how long these posts have been active. Well I'm a no-talent newbie from Australia and I'm going to have a go too. Thanks for these prompts Sarah.
Thanks a lot,nobody gave such detailed guidelines,
I am going to begone my soul journaling pronto.
I was a geologist and thus exposed to most beautiful
places in nature(for others godforsaken one)'I love solitude
and now using my time in photography,travel,scrap booking
and journaling.Every year I spend few months in California
with my son,rest of the time in India. I visit KFI study centres
Hi, Sarah... I'm a newbie in this art and I'm not an artist, but an artist wanna be :) I want to start with this journal.
Tomorrow will be my 1st day, because I need to search the materials... maybe buy some of them.. ^ ^
Hi Sarah, I just found your blog and I'm loving the idea of starting this art journal. I know I'm 5 yrs late so I'll join Natalie in this adventure.
Hi Sarah! Christy Soblowsky mentioned you and this journal experience in her newest youtube video, so I decided to check it out. I believe I will give it a try, with permission to myself to do it every other or few days. I don't always have time to sit down and journal or art every day, and I will not set myself up to fail, because I really do want to do this! Thanks for the class!
I have just jumped on the train and today I feel excited that at least I am trying to do something!
Thanks so much for this opportunity to try an art journaling project. Very excited.
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